Brook Hill Lower School


The Greatest of These is Love

February 14, 2014

The Bible states in First Corinthians 13:13 that there are three things that will endure: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love. Fourth graders from Mrs. Dawkin’s class presented their chapel service message based on love.  Love is mentioned over 500 times in the Bible and according to fourth graders can be found 700 times […]

Gladewater Inventor Visits Third Grade

February 14, 2014

David Frye, owner of 3D Plastics Inc. in Gladewater, Texas, visited third graders at Brook Hill Lower School.  Mr. Frye invented five parts for the 2015 Ford Mustang!  He brought parts demonstrating the manufacturing process and showed students the technology behind the inventions.  Mr. Frye also invents and manufactures parts for Microsoft, Cadillac, Nissan, Toyota, and many […]

Mi Familia – Spanish Class at the Lower School

February 14, 2014

The first grade Spanish class students shown below are acting out a song about family members.  The mom is a baker so the mamá has an apron, the dad (papá) is a trash man so he has the cap and bag. The song continues naming brothers, sisters, abuelos and even pets.

The Heart of a School

February 14, 2014

Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Powell’s prekindergarten students recently completed a community service project that “warmed the hearts” of Reunion Plaza residents. Students entertained the 60 residents by singing “Jesus Loves Me” and “This little Light of Mine”.  Each adult also received a special homemade Valentine card from their little prekindergarten friend. This was truly a gift from the heart!

Happy 100 Days of School!

February 07, 2014

Thursday, February 6, marked the 100th day of school at the Brook Hill Lower School. Prekindergarten, kindergarten and first grade students and teachers celebrated the day with educational math activities. Kindergarten students wore capes covered with 100 things. Teachers even dressed for the occasion wearing capes or visors decorated with 100 items.  Mrs. Bell pretended to […]

Discovering Dinosaurs

February 07, 2014

Prekindergarten students recently learned about dinosaurs during class lessons and in the library. Their culminating event was “The Dinosaur Disco!” Students wore dinosaur masks while enjoying dinosaur activities.

First Grade Science Class

February 07, 2014

First graders learned facts about mammals by playing a matching game in Mrs. Sandy Newsome’s science class.

Measurement Matters in Kindergarten

February 07, 2014

These pictures show students cutting out outlines of their bodies for a math lesson about measurement. After cutting out body outlines, students were able to compare lengths of fellow classmates using comparative language: short, shorter, shortest and long, longer, longest. After spending several days comparing life-size cut-outs, students measured the length of their paper bodies using nonstandard units, such […]

It Doesn’t Matter What You Say When you Pray…. Just Pray!

January 31, 2014

Prekindergarten students led chapel this week with a very important message: “It doesn’t matter what you say, just pray!” When asked what do you pray about, several students answered that they pray for  family, brothers, sisters, or teachers. Several shared their special prayers at dinnertime and bedtime. But the important idea to remember was that “It […]

Explorer’s Day

January 31, 2014

Third graders are learning about the journeys of early explorers such as Ferdinand Magellan. While reading the biography of Ferdinand Magellan, they learned about navigation tools such as the cross-staff and astrolabe. Students wrote in journals about the voyage, the life of Magellan, and imagined themselves on board the ship. Several students in Mrs. Bickerstaff’s […]

Hibernation Day at the Lower School

January 31, 2014

Hibernation Day for kindergarten students was the culmination of a research unit about animals that hibernate. Students made posters which included important information about the animal such as habitat and diet, and then presented their research to classmates. On “Hibernation Day”, students came dressed in their PJ’s, brought teddy bears to school, and watched a video based […]

Our God is Big, Strong and Mighty

January 24, 2014

Mrs. Dahn’s class led chapel this week through the story of the Israelites crossing the Jordan river. During chapel the students built a rock tower as the Israelites did to remember how strong and might our God is!