Headmaster's Office


Stay the Course and Be Patient

February 13, 2015

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: This morning I watched the Brook Hill Lady Guard Basketball Team beat T. K. Gorman in the first round of the District tournament.  It was great – winning is always great.  But what was particularly impressive in this game was the way they won. At the end of […]

The Family Meal

February 06, 2015

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: Last week I wrote about parents spending time with their children – actually it was about parents not wasting time with their children.  I hope folks were encouraged, challenged, and maybe even a bit convicted (full disclosure – I was very convicted). This week I want to push the […]

Making the Most of Time With Your Children

January 30, 2015

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: As I was walking through the Lower School today I saw a group of moms working on hallway bulletin boards.  And, I’ll be honest, I got really sad. That was Heather (my wife) a “minute” ago.  My boys are now in 6th, 9th, and 11th grade.  They are […]

The High Calling of Teaching: Characteristics We Seek Out in Teachers

January 23, 2015

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: Before I was a headmaster, I taught. When I was finishing up seminary I began working as a youth pastor, pursuing God’s call on my life to ministry. At first I loved it, but I found myself wishing I could connect with my students while they were at school. A […]

Learning from Our Alumni

January 16, 2015

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: During the Spring Semester I have the opportunity to teach a course to the senior class called Senior Transitions.  Senior Transitions provides students the opportunity to encounter, observe, and reflect on a variety of life skills necessary to successfully transition out of high school and into college.  The […]

A Great New Year’s Resolution

January 09, 2015

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: As we head into a new year, my encouragement to the Middle and Upper School students in chapel this week was to “not just let life happen to you.”  I reminded them that they are a group of young people who have been given incredible opportunities and it […]

599, 600! Brook Hill Reaches a Milestone!!

December 12, 2014

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: The word is definitely getting out that Brook Hill provides students with a comprehensive, quality, Christ-centered, college preparatory education.  In fact, just this week we enrolled Grant and Garrett Gandy – Brook Hill students # 599 and 600 for the 2014-2105 school-year – welcome to the Gandy Family!! […]

Advent: Focusing on What Really Matters

December 05, 2014

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: As we launch into this Christmas season, with all of the hustle and bustle that inevitably comes with it, let us all take time to focus on what is truly important.  We are busy people who get distracted very easily from the things that matter.  Please consider watching […]

An Encouraging Letter

November 21, 2014

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: As the Headmaster of The Brook Hill School there are so many things that I am thankful for – too many to list in just one article.  I must say, however, that I am truly thankful for the notes and emails that I receive regularly form parents, grandparents, […]

A Helicopter on Campus?? Actually, We Have Two.

November 07, 2014

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: When I tell people that Brook Hill has the American Freedom Museum on campus  I usually get a look that says, “how cute – probably and room with some old books and a few Civil War bullets.”  When I go on to try to explain the extent and […]

Brook Hill Named A Top Christian Boarding School In America

October 31, 2014

From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster: We work hard at Brook Hill to provide students with a comprehensive, quality, Christ-centered, college preparatory education.  We do it, not for the recognition, but because we believe God has called us to this task.  We love children and care about their hearts and minds and souls.  We […]